Round 1 of the BEAD Program to Open November 15

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DED’s Office of Broadband Development (OBD) has announced that the first application round for the Missouri Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) program is scheduled to open on November 15, 2024.

Round 1 applications will close at 5 p.m. on January 31, 2025. In response to feedback from potential BEAD applicants, OBD requested and received a variance from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to allow a longer window for Round 1 applications than proposed in Missouri’s approved Initial Proposal Volume II.

Round 1 BEAD pre-qualification applications are currently open and will close at 5 p.m. on January 16, 2025. Pre-qualification applications will be available for submission during each scoring round and sub-round until 15 days before the round or sub-round closes.

NTIA must approve OBD’s final list of BEAD-eligible locations before OBD can release a final Application Area Map and open Round 1 of the BEAD program. If approval is not received by November 15, the opening of the round will be delayed.

Notifications of further guidance about Round 1 of the BEAD application process and the publication of Missouri’s BEAD Application Area Map will be posted on OBD’s Connecting All Missourians webpage and sent via email to broadband stakeholders. LEARN MORE…

MO DED: Request for Public Input on BEAD Reimbursement Process

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DED is requesting public feedback on options for the reimbursement process for the upcoming Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program. The BEAD program will invest $1.7 billion to address infrastructure barriers for unserved and underserved locations throughout Missouri.

The public input survey, linked below, covers multiple aspects of the reimbursement process that will be used throughout the BEAD program’s lifetime. You may provide input through the survey until 11:45 p.m. on Tuesday, October 1, 2024.

Take the survey:

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please contact us at or 573-526-1028.

Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program: Notice of Funding Opportunity Released on July 24, 2024 

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This announcement was worth the wait!  Today, NTIA is proud to announce a nearly $1 billion Notice of Funding Opportunity for the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program. This is the first funding opportunity from the $1.25 billion Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program, the third of the three Digital Equity Act programs.    Now, non-profits, local educational agencies, workforce development organizations, political subdivisions, agencies, state instrumentalities, Tribes, Alaska Native entities, Native Hawaiian organizations, and other community anchor institutions will be able to apply for Competitive Grant Program funds. Territories are also eligible for funds under this funding opportunity.  These competitive grants will resource initiatives that support populations most impacted by digital divides. Low-income households, older adults, justice-impacted people, people living with disabilities, rural communities, and racial and ethnic minority groups are among the populations served by this program. Additionally, competitive grant investments are an essential complement to broadband deployment strategies.    We need you. NTIA is calling on organizations, large and small, to scale efforts to expand digital opportunities. Your organization’s work to ensure telehealth access, promote skills training, optimize small business connectivity, and various other initiatives enables households nationwide to participate in the digital economy.   Interested applicants are encouraged to act now!  Review the Digital Equity Competitive Grant NOFO and Application Resources. The application deadline is September 23, 2024. Learn about how your state or territory plans to expand digital opportunities at  Subscribe to the BroadbandUSA Newsletter to receive NTIA e-mail updates.  Follow NTIA on social media or on our website at for information.  Check out the Digital Equity Technical Assistance Hub for application help.  Develop a timeline for completing your application.  Begin gathering partnership letters and authorizations, both written and signed. These letters provide credibility and expertise, and will further your project’s reach. 
  For more information on creating data-driven applications and other Internet for All initiatives, view the following resources:  NTIA Internet for All Digital Equity Page Digital Equity Act Population Viewer
  Register for the informational webinar on July 25, 2024, at 2:00 PM ET. For all other concerns, questions, and resources, please reach out to NTIA at
Let’s make “Internet for All” a reality.  

BEAD Pre-Qualification Application Now Available

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DED’s Office of Broadband Development (OBD) Pre-Qualification Application for the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program is now live. The BEAD Pre-Qualification Application is the first step for potential BEAD applicants.

The Pre-Qualification Application groups all general and non-scored BEAD application requirements into one application, allowing applicants to respond one time for these functions. Pre-Qualification Applications will be applied to each of the applicants’ BEAD Applications. The Pre-Qualification Application must be started prior to filling out BEAD Scoring Applications.

The Pre-Qualification Application includes four sections:

  1. Entity Information
  2. Capability
  3. Public Funding Received
  4. Compliance and Other Program Certifications

Inside these four categories, applicants will provide information such as ID and organizational charts with resumes, financial statements, and certifications to comply with applicable laws. Templates required for certain fields are available for download on OBD’s Connecting All Missourians webpage.

Broadband Across Missouri StoryMap

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Missouri Broadband Focus Group Study participant areas

Recently, the Community Innovation and Action Center at the University of Missouri-St. Louis conducted the Missouri Digital Asset Mapping Focus Group Study. In the study, they hosted 20 focus groups around the state to learn more about the realities of broadband access for Missourians.

To help illustrate their findings, the Center for Applied Research and Engagement Systems created a StoryMap. Explore the StoryMap to read selected quotes from the focus group participants alongside data to demonstrate the barriers and opportunities for reliable high-speed internet in Missouri.

Learn more about the Missouri Digital Asset Mapping Focus Group Study and StoryMap in a recent highlight by MU Extension.

New Missouri Broadband Map

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The Missouri Public Broadband Availability Interactive Map v1 is now available at  A brief tutorial video is provided below. The interactive map serves as a hub for presenting up-to-date data, including:

  • Unserved/underserved/served locations.*  See service provider, technology, and speed by location.
  • Funded/not funded locations receiving upgrades through already awarded grant funds.See grant fund name and awarded provider by location. The next map deployment will also include a funded area layer showing the boundaries of awarded projects.  
  • Service availability by various geographic boundaries (e.g. legislative district, county, school district). See broadband and digital equity indicator data by selected area.  

*Note- In relation to the BEAD State Challenge Process, this data is a preliminary version as it does not yet reflect Missouri’s proposed pre-challenge modifications (modifications are pending NTIA approval). We will continue to communicate as we have approvals and updates are made.  

The interactive map will also serve as the State Challenge Portal. This additional challenge hub functionality is expected to be released in March and will offer ways for stakeholders to provide feedback.

Provider Registration

Before the State Challenge Portal opens, the Office of Broadband Development is encouraging providers to register in the interactive map. It is essential that ISPs register to not only submit challenges that will guide the distribution of roughly $1.7 billion state allocated BEAD funds, but also respond to challenges against their coverage areas. In the tutorial video below, instructions for registering begin at minute mark 4:36 

The Affordable Connectivity Program May “Go Away” Just When it is Needed Most

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They say timing is everything, and that certainly likely will be the case as we move forward this year to implement major components of the 2021 Federal Infrastructure legislation (the Infrastructure Act). You may recall that the Infrastructure Act appropriated $65 billion with the objective of providing every residence, business and institution in the United States a high-speed internet connection – broadband, and the skills to use it. Read more…

The Affordable Connectivity Program May “Go Away” Just When it is Needed Most

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By Marc McCarty

They say timing is everything, and that certainly likely will be the case as we move forward this year to implement major components of the 2021 Federal Infrastructure legislation (the Infrastructure Act). You may recall that the Infrastructure Act appropriated $65 billion with the objective of providing every residence, business and institution in the United States a high-speed internet connection – broadband, and the skills to use it. The Act has three goals: building out the infrastructure needed to connect unserved and underserved locations (broadband “access”), getting individuals the skills-based training and resources they need to use a broadband connection effectively (“adoption”), and finally, making broadband affordable for households that lack the financial resources to subscribe for the broadband connection they need (“affordability”).

The rationale for this “three-prong” approach is logical. It makes little sense to build out a broadband network in unconnected communities if most of the targeted individuals are afraid to go online or lack the skills needed to use the internet applications that would help them the most. These skills, include using the internet to start a business, pay bills and bank online, connect with a health care provider, or get an advanced education certification or degree. Equally obvious, having a fiber optic broadband connection at your home is of no value if you can’t afford to subscribe for service, or if you can’t afford a basic device to connect to the internet efficiently.

With this in mind, an earlier Blog noted that the Infrastructure Act had allocated at least $46 billion of grants and low interest loans for broadband access, up to least $4.75 billion for broadband adoption programs, and $14.2 billion for broadband affordability (the Affordable Connectivity Program or “ACP”).

The ACP was designed to permanently replace the Emergency Broadband Benefit (“ECB”) a similar temporary program enacted during the COVID pandemic. Like the ECB, ACP is targeted to help families that lack financial resources pay for the internet service they need to use the internet effectively. While there are several ways to qualify for ACP, generally families earning less than twice the annual poverty income ($60,000 for a family of 4) are eligible for the ACP.

The ACP provides these households a $30 per month credit that can be applied to monthly cost of internet service and a one-time $100 credit toward the cost of a desktop, laptop or tablet computer to connect to the internet. The program began funding in 2022 and as of last week, over 22.5 million households were receiving benefits. One advantage of the ACP is that the “credit” can be applied by families toward any level of broadband service offered, so even if a household was able to pay for some internet connectivity before, the ACP enabled them to upgrade to a higher more expensive level of service, so they can take advantage of applications such as telemedicine and online learning that require a faster and more stable internet connection.

Many Missouri families now use this benefit. In several rural Missouri counties more than one in five households that are connected to the internet are receiving ACP. The truth is ACP has been so successful, that it is about to run out of money. The FCC administers this program, and it has already instructed internet service providers (“ISPs”) to send out the first of three written notices beginning January 25, to customers warning them the benefit will expire (likely sometime in May).

The ACP has wide support among participants, internet providers and the general public. Last week bipartisan legislation was introduced to extend funding for the ACP through the end of 2024. Certainly given the political environment, that may be the best we can do at this time, and even in this case passage of this legislation likely will not occur unless constituents make their wishes known.

Ironically, this comes at the very time when almost all the Infrastructure Act money set aside for broadband access (BEAD) and broadband adoption (DEA) remains unspent! The delay in funding BEAD and DEA occurred for many reasons, some of which I’ve written about already. However, Missouri’s Office of Broadband Development (OBD) now awaits approval of its “Initial Proposal” to distribute the first 20% of the $1.7 Billion dollars of BEAD funding along with a smaller DEA “State Capacity Grant” to fund broadband adoption. Those approvals (granted by the National Telecommunications and Information Agency –NTIA) are expected as early as late spring, followed by competitive grants that could begin funding new projects by year-end.

For a variety of reasons, the State’s BEAD proposal primarily contemplates using existing private and public ISPs to extend broadband service to the 400,000 locations in the state with no – or with inadequate – broadband access. Those ISPs provide access to the internet (fund capital expansion, maintain, and operate) primarily through subscriber revenues paid by businesses and residents. Locations needing broadband access lack it in most cases because the ISPs that potentially could serve them cannot make an adequate profit to justify the investment. The objective of the BEAD program is to use just enough public money to induce ISPs to expand service to these unserved and underserved locations.

For example, if the average cost of extending service to a group of locations was $5,000 per location, but an ISP could only be profitable if installation costs were no more than $1,500 per location, an efficient BEAD grant program would provide the ISP a grant of $3,500 per location, conditioned on the ISP going forward to provide broadband access to all of these unserved locations. But that example assumes that families and businesses in those locations actually will subscribe for the service (at levels as high as – or higher— than other areas where service is currently available). In other words – ISPs don’t need or necessarily want more locations with access to the internet – instead they want more locations with internet subscribers.

That is one practical reason why both the DEA, and the ACP exist. From a purely economic standpoint, both of these programs are designed to work alongside BEAD to increase demand for broadband service (the “take rate” as it’s known in the industry). The DEA gives folks the skills needed to appreciate and safely use internet based applications and technologies; the ACP makes that service affordable, so families to pay for the service they need.

Taken together one can think of these broadband programs BEAD, the DEA and the ACP as something like a three legged stool. The three legs of that stool provide funding for broadband access, adoption and affordability. Remove one of those legs, affordability in this case, and the stool – a $65 billion stool – may well topple over.

Of course there are many good reasons for providing financial assistance to families that can’t afford the broadband service they need besides creating a broadband network that is financially viable. Connecting most businesses and individuals to broadband has led to extraordinary gains in productivity and quality of life, but as the COVID pandemic illustrated, those gains have been uneven, with millions lacking adequate internet service and unable to use these new internet-based applications. We all pay when we leave the most economically vulnerable families disconnected to the internet applications we take for granted, in higher costs for healthcare, basic government services, substandard education, and fewer economic opportunities. A program like the ACP can help remove financial barriers to internet connectivity, and certainly it can be justified for that reason alone. However, allowing a program like the ACP to go away after all the work done over the past two years, and just as we are ready to spend over $45 billion on broadband expansion, is most certainly a mistake.

States are About to Dole Out Federal Funding. Not All Are Ready

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This story was originally published by The Conversation.

When the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act was signed in late 2021, it included $42.5 billion for broadband internet access as part of the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program. The program aims to ensure that broadband access is available throughout the country. This effort differs from previous federal broadband programs because it promised to allocate the funding to individual states and allow them to figure out the best way to distribute it. Read more…