This icon depicts a broadband consumer sitting at their laptop.

Broadband consumers are all of us. If you’re reading this on a computer, phone, tablet, or other internet-connected device, then you’re a broadband consumer! Learn about the nuts and bolts of broadband at your own pace using the Consumer Toolkit below. To use the toolkit, first, review information in the “Learn” section. Then, take action using the tools and resources in the “Engage” section.


Learn more about this FCC benefit program that helps ensure households can afford broadband for work, school, healthcare and more.

Find and register for training, webinars, in-person events, and more.

Review common terms and definitions related to broadband access, deployment, affordability, and adoption.

Explore articles and research from our team of subject matter experts.

Have questions about broadband in Missouri? Find the answers you need and more in our FAQ.


Test your internet speed and explore Speed Test results from your area.

Find or add organizations, programs, and people supporting broadband expansion and adoption across Missouri.

Explore maps and visualize broadband data related to funding, unserved locations, and affordability.

Explore services, programs, and available equipment for individuals, organizations, and businesses wanting to effectively access and use internet technologies.

Learn more about how to become a Missouri Digital Ambassador and serve as a digital expert in your community.

Ready to lead a broadband expansion effort in your community? Sign up for the Digitally Connected Communities Guide and get started right away!