Good Things Foundation

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Audio course content and instruction, quizzes on course content, and supplemental learning activities are
available to trainers and students. Based in the UK, numerous, free online resources on basic computer skills, using the Internet for multiple purposes, and preparing for a job search. A few courses focus on navigating public sector resources in the UK for health and other needs.

Denver Public Library

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Lesson plans, course handouts, and supplemental materials are accessible for trainers and students. Free online courses and teaching guides for numerous content areas of basic digital literacy, including how-to projects using basic Internet and computer programs. Many courses are linked to external online
resources (e.g. Goodwill/GCF, Udemy, Digital Learn). Some external resources are primarily available for
registered library users, while a limited number of courses are available directly through this library site.

Digital Learn

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Instructor guides and PowerPoint materials, course activity sheets, and other printable handouts are
available to enhance teaching and learning. Free online courses on numerous content areas of digital literacy accessible to independent users, as well as through public libraries, with teaching resources. Topics covered are comprehensive and include tools to improve health and access healthcare.

Google for Education

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Google for Education provides teaching tools include lesson plans, video presentations for each course, rubrics on how to evaluate student work, and certificates of completion.

Google for Education offers free online courses of interest, such as using Email, using other Google resources, job prep/seeking, and implementing specialized projects designed for elementary students up to adult learners (e.g. how-to activities and cultural lessons on racial tolerance and environmental protection). Teaching resources are included. Users sign in via Gmail.

Goodwill Community Foundation

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The Goodwill Community Foundation provides teaching tips and tutorials for online and off-line instruction, lesson videos, printable lesson materials, and links to other online learning resources are available.

Improve Internet Accessibility for Individuals with Impaired Vision

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The 2018 National Health Interview Survey found through estimating that more than 32 million adults nationwide have reported having some degree of vision loss. This figure includes people that cannot see at all and others that experience blurred vision despite using therapeutic eyewear.

The challenge for the millions of people with a visual impairment is how they can effectively use the internet for e-learning, shopping, remote working, business, and other key aspects of their everyday living.

So it’s clear that optimal web accessibility for many of them is vital for everyday life.

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