Cyberinfrastructure: Moving Beyond Broadband at HBCUs and TCUs


Date:   Wednesday, July 15, 2020   Time:  2:00 to 3:30 p.m. ET   Overview: Cyberinfrastructure differs from traditional web and broadband access in its focus and magnitude. The high-performance computing and networking resources of cyberinfrastructure enables educators, scientists and … Continued

Smart Agriculture: Driving Innovation in Rural America


Farmers and ranchers use smart technologies to improve yields, reduce costs, increase efficiencies, and improve decision making. Join BroadbandUSA on September 16, 2020, to take a deep dive into the technologies being implemented to further these precision agriculture techniques. Speakers … Continued

Data as the Foundation for Broadband Planning


The federal government compiles huge broadband datasets cataloguing broadband availability and subscriptions through the US Census Bureau and Federal Communications Commission, among others. These can be augmented with commercially available speed test data to provide a better insight into broadband … Continued

Data as the Foundation for Broadband Planning


The federal government compiles huge broadband datasets cataloguing broadband availability and subscriptions through the US Census Bureau and Federal Communications Commission, among others. These can be augmented with commercially available speed test data to provide a better insight into broadband … Continued

NTIA Grant Programs in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021


Congress passed the year-end omnibus legislation that included several broadband and connectivity expansion bills. Join NTIA staff on March 17, 2021 for an overview of the new NTIA grant programs, including the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Grants, Broadband Infrastructure Deployment Grants … Continued

NTIA Grant Programs in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021


Congress passed the year-end omnibus legislation that included several broadband and connectivity expansion bills. Join NTIA staff on March 17, 2021 for an overview of the new NTIA grant programs, including the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Grants, Broadband Infrastructure Deployment Grants … Continued

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