Roundtable Discussion: Expanding Broadband Access in Missouri


This month's roundtable will bring together researchers, decision-makers, and other experts to discuss efforts to expand broadband internet access to all Missourians. Panelists will discuss recent legislation, progress underway, and the benefits of improved internet to communities and economies in … Continued


Leveraging BEAD for Workforce Development


The leading broadband industry associations have come together to launch a series of monthly educational webinars for State Broadband Leaders, NTIA, communities, ISPs and key stakeholders focused on key topics related to the $42.45B NTIA BEAD broadband infrastructure funding program … Continued


Internet for All Webinar Series – Workforce Requirements and Guidance


A highly-skilled, diverse, and equitable broadband workforce is critical to the success of the Internet For All programs. This webinar outlines effective strategies and program examples for Eligible Entities and potential subgrantees to consider as they implement NTIA's workforce requirements … Continued

Missouri Department of Economic Development Broadband Update


The Office of Broadband Development continues to develop strategies to implement Governor Parson’s historic plans of investing ARPA funding to increase broadband internet access, adoption, and assistance statewide. Join us for our next call as Director of Broadband Development BJ … Continued


Introduction to Broadband and High Speed Internet


Since the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), there has been much talk about high-speed Internet and broadband. This webinar will serve as an overview of the infrastructure and technology required to provide Internet for All. Topics covered will … Continued


Putting the Community Reinvestment Act to Work in Your Community


It can be difficult for community-based organizations to fund projects and programs. But if they're eligible for investment under the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), that could give them an edge. The CRA encourages banks to support community development initiatives in … Continued


ARPA: What have we learned?


In March of 2021 the American Rescue Plan Act was signed into law. Since then, communities have seen a historic investment to address the economic impact of COVID-19. This is particularly important for the BIPOC and low-income populations that have … Continued

FCC Challenge Process Webinar

Join DED's Office of Broadband Development for a webinar covering how to submit challenges to newly released maps of broadband coverage.

2023 Missouri Public Utility Alliance Annual Conference

Branson, MO

Join MPUA for the fall annual conference at the Branson Convention Center to keep up on the latest trends in the ever-changing utility industry. Learn from experts, your peers, and businesses specializing in utility products and services. Sessions will focus … Continued

Missouri Department of Economic Development Broadband Update


The Office of Broadband Development continues to develop strategies to implement Governor Parson’s historic plans of investing ARPA funding to increase broadband internet access, adoption, and assistance statewide. Join us for our next call as Director of Broadband Development BJ Tanksley and … Continued


Have an event you would like added to the Missouri Broadband Resource Rail calendar? Email details to and if it is a good fit, we will add it. Looking for business startup and growth events? Check out the MOSourceLink entrepreneur calendar.

Copyright © 2024 The Curators of the University of Missouri on behalf of the Missouri Broadband Resource Rail. All rights reserved.