This icon features a broadband planner wearing a hard hat and holding an electrical cord.

Broadband planners are often local governments, nonprofits, internet service providers, and economic development agencies. Broadband planners can use this toolkit to find funding opportunities, maps, data and related guidance from state and federal sources. To use the toolkit, first, review information in the “Learn” section. Then, take action using the tools and resources in the “Engage” section.


Stay up-to-date on what’s happening in Missouri. Read the latest broadband news and resources.

Learn about the expertise and capacity of the UM System Broadband Initiative and its partners. 

Find and register for training, webinars, in-person events, and more. 

Explore articles and research from our team of subject matter experts.

Learn about and connect with leaders making a difference with broadband in Missouri. 


Create a custom, county-level report that explores indicators related to broadband expansion, adoption, and affordability.

Explore maps and visualize broadband data related to funding, unserved locations, and affordability.

Explore services, programs, workshops, and equipment helping individuals, organizations, and businesses effectively access and use internet technologies.

Build and lead a collaborative planning process with the help of the Digitally Connected Communities Guide.

Ready to lead a broadband expansion effort in your community? Sign up for the Digitally Connected Communities Guide and get started right away!